Monday, November 15, 2010

What do we really know about 6th grade peer pressures as teachers

This was a tobacco survey I used last year posted on my website, answers were anonymous and I asked students to take it, I told them it wasn't mandatory because I couldn't track who took it but that I wanted them to take it and give honest feedback so as the Health teacher I could have a better pulse on issues concerning middle school students and more specifically 6th graders. I was pleased with the amount of students that took it although according to the data I collected we teach in a relatively peer pressure and smoke free town. It was just an experiment to see if kids would take such a survey letting us into "their" issues and they did, now the challenge will be finding out what tools and support kids in our school really need to learn and grow in the context of social/emotional health during adolescence.


Deblockers said...
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Deblockers said...

Are there any legal issues with us polling kids on sensitive or personal topics? I seem to remember a few years back a school got in trouble for surveying the students on drinking and drug use without parental permission. Just a thought for discussion.

Annie Dugan said...

I remember that incident also but don't recall how it ended. Was that at Ridgewood? In a few cases that I know about the court ruled in favor of the school district's right to survey students. Not asking for names, I think, would cut down on objections.

Deblockers said...

I found this online...