Thursday, November 18, 2010

Forwarding Gmail

At Eisenhower we have our FirstClass email accounts and we also have our EisenhowerMS Google Apps accounts. This means that you may have to check email in two places. There is a way to forward all of the email sent to your Google Apps Gmail account to your FirstClass account.

The video below shows you how to forward the email from your Gmail account to your FirstClass account. Note that while our Google Apps domain is closed to outside email I did allow the sending and receiving of email from our FirstClass accounts.

At the end of the video I did not show the final step - in order to confirm the forwarding address you will have to go to your FirstClass email account and get the confirmation email from Google. In this email is a Confirmation Code Number. Be sure to copy this number and paste it into the box that asks for your confirmation code.



msszabo said...

I just recently realized that I was receiving emails through my GoogleDocs account so I'm glad I can now forward mail to my First Class which I check regularly. Will I be able to respond to emails through First Class or will it just notify me with a copy and I will still need to log into my Google Apps?

Harold Olejarz said...

Yes, you can respond using FirstClass.